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  • 张国华  英国UK(优科)进口阀门国际有限公司上海
  • 电话:021-31265698
  • 公司地址:上海市奉浦工业区环城东路106号
进口电动闸阀 英国UK阀门 英国UK
进口电动闸阀 英国UK阀门 英国UK
产品价格: 1.00/01
最小订货量: 101
供应能力: 01
最后更新: 2014/5/7
有效期: 2014/6/6





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British UK (superior branch) valve international Limited company Shanghai office

British of UK (superior branch) valve international Limited company is the European fluid control domain one of main production and suppliers, the Base company located at British Wales, the company devotes to the scientific research development, the production fluid control device system, has the production base in many countries.

British UK (superior branch) imports the valve international Limited company main product to include: Serial productses and so on ball valve, reed valve, gate valve, cut-off valve, check valve, filter, needle valve, plunger valve, stopcock, by-pass valve, corrugated pipe cut-off valve, corrugated pipe gate valve, water power control valve, air operated ball valve, air operated reed valve, air operated regulating valve, electrically operated regulating valve, electrically operated ball valve, electrically operated gate valve, electrically operated cut-off valve, electrically operated reed valve, the company product's user involves the petroleum, the chemical industry, the electric power, the metallurgy, the drugs manufacture, food, the water treatment, the municipal administration to give draining water, the natural gas, the papermaking, the electronics industry, the building, the mechanical device necessary and so on domains.

<dnt> </dnt> British UK (superior branch) imports the valve international Limited company present to be equipped with the Chinese business center in Shanghai, is responsible for Chinese market each service and the technical support center, simultaneously in Chinese market sale.

British UK (superior branch) imports the valve international Limited company to welcome the Chinese customer loyally with us in the Chinese regional business agents and the Branch office relation. 英国优科UK进口阀门

球阀  |  闸阀  |  蝶阀  |  截止阀  |  止回阀  |  调节阀  |  电磁阀  |  安全阀  |  针型阀  |  疏水阀  |  旋塞阀  |  隔膜阀  |  减压阀  |  平衡阀  |  浆液阀  |  排气阀  |  排泥阀  |  疏水器  |  过滤器  |  阻火器  |  防腐阀门  |  液化气阀门  |  进口阀门  |  德国福林FRING进口阀门  |  日本北泽KITZ进口阀门  |  日本阀天VENN进口阀门  |  日本日立HITACH进口阀门  |  英国优科UK进口阀门  |  德国莱克LIK进口阀门  |  德国托普TOP进口阀门  |  法国奥托OTTO进口阀门


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